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Sharon Malzberg: Preparing to Write Your Non-Fiction Book

Sharon Malzberg by profession is a digital marketer. Sharon Malzberg is found of reading books and he is preparing to write a non-fiction book. If you want to reach your goal of writing a non-fiction book, you need to get prepared before you write your first word. Here are the necessary steps by Sharon Malzberg you need to take to successfully write a non-fiction book.

The first thing you need to do is chose your topic. You want to think about what you want to say, which can help you decide on your topic. You always want to try and start with an attainable goal.

Sharon Malzberg gives you advice to create a content plan that can help you know where you are going. This will help you write in a straight line and avoid taking any detours. This can be as simple as creating an outline or table of contents for your book.

Figure out what kind of research you will need to complete. While you may think that because you are an expert on a subject that you will be able to write your book off the top of your head, you’ll find that you are spending more time searching for information you need than writing.

Look over your content plan and create a to-do list. Place all the research items you came up with and place them on the list. Don’t forget to put interviews on your list if you are planning to conduct interviews for your book.

Sharon Malzberg is planning on writing several books in the future.